The studio is separate from the main house and comprised of a control room and two live rooms all acoustically isolated and configurable as required. It's got a good vibe and the live room has a view to the natural surroundings which adds to the relaxed working atmosphere.

Outboard Gear
Toft ATB 32 channel analogue console
Lynx Aurora Digital converter
JBL LSR308 monitors
ADAM Audio S2V monitors
Warm Audio wa12 mkII
Neve 1073 DPA
Chandler EMI TG2 special edition
API 3124V
Warm audio wa76
Teletronix LA2A
Dbx 160XT
DAV Broadhurst Gardens no.1
Korg stage echo
Electroharmonix v256 vocoder
Modified Roland cr8000 compurhythm
Ilsa Instruments S2400 sampler
Boss CE1 chorus ensemble
We have a selection of effect pedals on hand
Revox b77 mkII tape recorder
Tandberg T2 Tape machine
Allen & Heath zed r-16 sound desk

Musicman Stingray Bass
Gretch G9221 Resonator
Guyatone slide guitar
Various acoustic and electric guitars available for use
2 acoustic pianos
Mapex Saturn drum kit
LP bongos generation 2
Cosmic percussion congas
Various percussive instruments on hand
Moog Opus 3
Moog prodigy
Korg polysix (kiwisix mod)
Juno 106
Phillips philcordia organ
Akai mpk 249 midi controller
Pancotti accordion


Stam sa 87
Neumann KM 184
Warm Audio wa 47 Jr
Electrovoice re320
Shure Sm7b
Shure Beta 27
Shure Beta 181
Shure Beta 98amp
Shure sm 57
Røde nt-5

Ace Tone 1x14” Vintage amp (1970)
Crate V33 4x12”
Roland Cube 30GX
Peavey Vintage amp (model unknown)
Marshall JCM 800 4211 2x12” (1984)
VOX AC30 C2 Ltd
Ampeg B5R Bass amp
Ampeg 1x15 cabinet